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Men at Arms
6.1/10 by 7 users
Title:Men at Arms
Release: 2005-08-05
Runtime: 109 min.
Genre: Comedy, Action
Stars: Ott Sepp, Mirtel Pohla, Märt Avandi, Raivo E. Tamm, Uku Uusberg, Argo Aadli
Year 1208. The first Eastward enlargement of Europe is under way. Brutal forces of the Teutonic Order are steadily marching on. In their path live a simple and peaceful people, whose main pastimes include cultivating the earth, singing and, if possible, doing both at the same time. They are the Estonians. Ignorant in the ways of war, they find an unlikely leader in a young boy with Catholic upbringing. In their fight for freedom, the Estonians encounter numerous obstacles, including the Germans, French, Russians and, worst of all, the Latvians. Will they succeed in defeating their enemies or will they experience a cultural awakening?