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The Day We Walked on the Moon
4.8/10 by 4 users
Title:The Day We Walked on the Moon
Release: 2019-07-08
Runtime: 60 min.
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Michael Collins, Mark Strong, Brian May, Frank Borman, Brian Cox, Michael J. Massimino
On July 16, 1969, hundreds of thousands of spectators and an army of reporters gathered at Cape Kennedy to witness one of the great spectacles of the century: the launch of Apollo 11. Over the next few days, the world watched on with wonder and rapture as humankind prepared for its "one giant leap" onto the moon--and into history. Witness this incredible day, presented through stunning, remastered footage and interviews that takes you behind-the-scenes and inside the spacecraft, Mission Control, and the homes of the astronaut's families.