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Art of the Prank
6.8/10 by 8 users
Title:Art of the Prank
Release: 2015-07-29
Runtime: 82 min.
Genre: Comedy, Documentary
Stars: Joey Skaggs, Robert Forster, Peter Maloney, Sarah Farrell
The great media prankster, Joey Skaggs, wants to fool the world media AGAIN, and, with the most complex hoax of his career in the pipeline, he now must use every trick in his prankster's arsenal to make it work. Art of the Prank is an emotional journey following the evolution of artist Joey Skaggs-a fierce proponent of independent thinking and the man who has turned the media hoax into an art form. With unprecedented access to the man and his archives, the 95-minute documentary interweaves a current unfolding hoax with a look behind-the-scenes at some classic performance pieces (all reported as fact by a wide range of prestigious journalists) plus commentary from co-conspirators and others.